Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nativism: Race and Immigrants

Nativism is the feeling that immigration and foreigners are detrimental to native-born Americans. Unfortunately, nativist’s feelings are not based on political convenience or logical theories, but on ignorant assumptions that produce religious, racial, and cultural discrimination. Many nativist groups or individuals, both in the past and presently, have one thing in common- the fear of not being in control. The basic thing one has to see is that misinformation and short-sighted fear can often produce the absence of fairness and human dignity.The Ku Klux Klan was a racist group who also committed atrocities in the name of nativism. The KKKs were formed because many people were started to get afraid of the â€Å"rising power of the blacks† and also hated immigration and Jews. â€Å"What was the rising power of the blacks? † Is it because they were not slaves or maybe because they simply wanted to vote, a constitutional right! African Americans were still treated li ke property in the South under the Jim Crow Laws.African Americans were denied their constitutional right to vote by various ways of intimidation; but yet the KKKs could do whatever they wanted and be protected by the â€Å"constitutional† idea that they had the right to express themselves. The KKKs were also anti-Semitic and anti-Semitism was prevalent in the U. S. To understand immigration better one has to see the factors that produced and produce immigration to America. Industrialization and social changes in Europe produced mass immigration from countries like Germany, France, and Ireland.The Industrial Revolution transformed the small, agricultural society into a manufacturing economy which helped the U. S. to prosper and excel. Social changes were another major factor that stimulated immigration. Political upheavals, religious persecution, and a search for adventure were the basic reason for the relocation of these people. Why would they come to the U. S. to purposely try to create a political or cultural upheaval, if the whole reason they left their homelands was escape these problems?The truth of the matter is that they just wanted to seek a peaceful setting that they could create a family and contribute to American society. There were two types of immigrants- the old and the new. The old immigrants of the past( which consequently was also divided into old and new immigration categories) and the new immigrants of today; mostly the Hispanics and Asians. Most of the old immigrants were Europeans- French, Irish, German, Italian, and Polish. Although the new immigrants of that time were discriminated by the native† Americans and the older immigrants ( British, French, and German) there was not the same animosity that is seen between present immigrants and native Americans. In the present, 86% of the newest immigration comes from Latin America and Asia while Europe only contributes 10%. The main difference between present immigration and past immigration is that most immigrants from Europe were male and white; however, present immigration is that most of today’s newcomers are from Developing Countries ; therefore, most are colored people who, either are married or have a family.Some may say that new immigrants are less skilled than the old immigrants and that furthermore, they do not want to â€Å"Americanize† but actually most of the newest immigrants are educated and professionally trained. The problem with the American government is that they don’t give Hispanics or Asians any opportunities because they know that these immigrants will succeed! In fact what they do is oppress these immigrants until these people get fed up and retaliate for survival; then the Americans say how much a problem immigrants are without knowing that in time of vulnerability any human being is going to act irrational.This is a day to day event in the U. S. ; one could say it is â€Å"political drowning of an immigrant. â €  Why is it that these immigrants cannot have equal jobs as the people who have been educated here? The idea that new immigrants cannot effectively contribute to the American economy just because they are culturally different is simply naive. Why is it that the old immigrants did contribute to the advancement of the American economy and the newer immigrants are people who are just useful for menial jobs? One hopes that society’s judgment of present immigration is not determined just on their color of skin.The problem with American society is the pessimistic attitude they obtain when things are not going their way. As Harry Truman wisely said, â€Å"A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties! † Economically speaking, immigration is beneficial for the American economy. Several arguments are given to try to prove this wrong. Some may say that immigrants take away jobs from Americans . But what jobs? Most immigrants work as maids or janitors, jobs that Americans do not want to do.What would the U. S. do without immigrants who are willing to do humiliating jobs for scarce amounts of money? Or maybe these critics of immigration are talking about the few amount of immigrants who want to excel and become successful? The anti-immigration people feel threatened and fear that these â€Å"minorities† will surpass the â€Å"native† Americans and they will no longer be able to control and manipulate these â€Å"ignorant, gullible immigrants. † Another argument is that immigrants receive more than their fair share of welfare benefits.But yet again in actuality immigrants pay their fair share of taxes. Julian Simon, an economist states, â€Å" immigrant families typically pay more taxes than their native counterparts do. † Also according to Julian Simon, immigrants arrive young and healthy and use fewer services on the average than do native fami lies. New waves of young immigrants do not receive expensive Social Security, Medicare, and other aid to the aged. Finally a common argument is that for the U. S. , immigration is not an economic necessity but a luxury. And like all luxuries, it can help- or it can hurt.The American economy is vital for the existence of the values that this democratic nation was based on. It’s ignorant to say that immigrants do not boost or stimulate the American economy! James Carter, Jr. once said,† Our American values are not luxuries but necessities—not the salt in our bread, but the bread itself. Our common vision of a free and just society is our greatest source of cohesion at home and strength abroad—greater than the bounty of our material blessings. † The common vision that Carter was talking about was and is the most important thing of all- moral values!Currently there are some myths that blind American society concerning immigration. For instance the myth t hat most immigrants are illegal; eventhough, no one really knows how many illegals there are, it is estimated that 300,000 people enter the country illegally each year compared more than a million people who are entering the U. S. legally. Another myth is that most immigrants have less education than native-born Americans. Actually of African-born residents, 88% have had a high school education or better compared with the 77% of native-born who have had a high school education or better.Lastly, the myth that the newer immigrants refuse to learn English. Most of the new immigrants want to learn English but since their so busy trying to survive and work, they don’t have the time or money to have English classes. It seems that at of all the disliked races, the Hispanics and Asians are probably the worst discriminated class. Since blacks have become appeased with what they have, they really don’t create much of a problem. The whites can use them as their puppets and give t hem â€Å"little treats† such as an â€Å"almost important† job.The African- American community is complacent, besides a few black leaderS, they just want to leave things the way they are. Unfortunately the blacks have gone so far and advanced so much that they don’t want to risk losing it all; eventhough, the dream that powerful people such as Dr. Martin Luther King had has not yet been accomplished. It seems that everything that goes wrong is blamed on the Hispanics and Asians. The Asians have always been discriminated somehow in American History beginning from California discriminating the Chinese to the Japanese internment camps after Pearl Harbor.The U. S. has never really had a solid relationship with Asia. But what about Hispanics? In the Immigration Act of 1921 their was no limits put on Latin American countries because the U. S. wanted a good diplomatic relation with Latin America and because cheap labor from Mexico was needed on the farms of California . One could argue the throughout American history immigration has been validated by American society if it is beneficial for the natives in America just as long they don’t feel threatened.For instance the Bracero Program, in 1942 when America needed the labor of aliens to help it with its war effort they allowed Mexicans to work temporarily in America’s industries. It appears that the volume of immigration seemed to rise sharply during periods of prosperity and to sink rapidly during periods of prosperity. The question still remains the same- is it really because of cultural differences or racial differences? But is it really a racial thing? Or does transcend just a simple racial problem? Are we really seeking racial equality?For so long The Nordic theory has told us that the white man deserves to be in power. For so long the white man has thought himself as the majority and all the other races see the white people as the dominant race. But in reality the white race is a minority, they in essence have psychological domination in that everybody thinks they are the supreme race. All the minorities of the world resent the domination that white people have exerted for so long. This resentment turns into hate and eventually the minorities are going to do the same thing the whites did and sometimes even unconsciously do — hate another human being.If one condemns the oppression of the â€Å"white man† than one is in danger of establishing his own form of pride in equality as a substitute for the racism he rejects. Furthermore he becomes arrogant over his own lack of arrogance and becomes prideful over his own lack of pride. To escape from this danger, he needs to cease arguing for the equality of all races, and just assume that racial identity makes no difference. There has always been the delusion of white supremacy based on the fact the white culture is vastly superior than any other culture.The genesis of the dogma of white superiority reveals a fundamental confusion between supremacy and superiority. The first is an undeniable fact of the present world; the second is an invention of the mind to defend the first. Basically the conclusion is that because he is supreme, he is also superior. For so long the colored man has had to submit to white control and pretty soon they are going to get fed up. This could lead to a racial war which would be pointless because this whole racial problem is spiritual not physical!In conclusion nativism belongs to something deeper than just immigration or even racism. Most of the nativists in the Know-Nothings and the KKK did not know that they were blindly proclaiming that the white race is the supreme race. America was built on the basis of freedom and unalienable rights that most countries could not offer. The racial problem will never go away because of the nature of a human being. A human being is individual and only cares about himself and unfortunately the U. S. is a capitalist ic nation who only cares about its interests.One could wish that the social injustices, racial discrimination, and different stereo-types will cease to exist, but as long as humans live on this earth there will always be injustices. The U. S. government will never be perfect no matter how democratic the principles are. Unfortunately, democracy has its flaws and deficiencies just like and other government. Harry Truman wisely said,â€Å" No government is perfect. One of the chief virtues of a democracy, however, is that its defects are always visible and under democratic processes can be pointed out and corrected. We will never live in a just and faultless world because it is both spiritually and psychologically impossible. And history will just keep repeating itself in a continuous cycle, history is a very powerful tool to acclimate one’s self with the human race or the human identity. But one has to remember that one of the best things about good history is its power to red uce national arrogance and to promote reflection and caution for later on. Until we start looking at the human history through the world’s perspective and not just â€Å"American History,† then we will truly excel not only as American people but as a human kind!

Friday, August 30, 2019

Developing English Communication and Understanding Skills

It is important to understand well whether your communication is in your own language or in another language. A lot about communicating in your own language is learned naturally as a child. However, to communicate well in another language a person must take time to develop their ability in that language. That means that to communicate in another language, a person must develop new skills in the use of their ears (listening), their mouth (speaking), and their mind (understanding spoken and written words). Just as speaking and writing are important, so are reading and listening important for the learner of another language. Listening helps us to hear the correct way to talk about an idea. As we listen many times to a native speaker tell stories we understand quite well, the way to say the sentences and ideas in the story become more and more a part of us until we automatically say those kinds of expressions correctly without thinking about the rules of the language. Most people enjoy listening to material that is quite easy for them to understand. That is they already know most of the expressions they hear. However, if there is a lot that they do not understand, they can not follow all they thinking of the speaker. Thus what is being said is boring and sometimes the listener stops listening. Likewise reading is important for learning to write correctly in another language. As we repeatedly read the same story, written by a native speaker, the way to write about the ideas becomes more and more a part of us until, when we write, we write those same kinds of expressions correctly without thinking about the rules of the language. Most people enjoy reading material that is quite easy to understand. That is they already know most of the vocabulary; and the sentences are not too complicated to grasp the idea being expressed. On the other hand, if a person does not understand much of what they are reading, they must stop many times to look up words in a dictionary or go back over the information again to try to understand the idea. It becomes difficult reading and also breaks the trend of thought so that it becomes unclear. Reading of that kind quickly becomes boring. This course is specifically designed to help the learner of English to develop skills in speaking and writing clearly; and improve their ability to listen and read with clear, easy understanding.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Church Pays Tribute to a Man Whose Home Was Its Steps

A vast majority of people are of the idea that homeless people should struggle to get a job, and that they are homeless because they are lazy. The reality is different from what is commonly thought. No one becomes homeless by choice. There may be a thousand reasons as to why a person is homeless. Instead of criticism, long-term assistance by those who can provide guidance is required. It is a fact that runaway criminals may disguise themselves as homeless, but not all homeless are criminals. Another misconception is that all homeless people are alcoholics or drug abusers.This again is a misunderstanding. The reality is that this can happen to any one of us at any stage in life, as there is no intention or will involved in becoming homeless. At the same time it is a fact that these homeless are in continuous struggle to carry on with their life, facing problems in abundance. A few things should be kept in mind before helping this class of society. Instead of helping them in the form o f money, the society should help them with things they need. Helping a homeless by buying for him his breakfast is better than giving him money to buy that breakfast himself.The reason is that many homeless are involved in unlawful activities or addicted to drugs and if money is given directly, the result is more drug addiction instead of satiety. Shelter is another problem, especially in the winter season. Provision of health services to the homeless is a challenge for the medical community. Those who are addicted to drugs, or are affected by an illness need to be managed properly. Just like the common people, these homeless have needs which in a sense are special to these homeless.It is not only the responsibility of the government to cater for these need, but the society is also under obligation to share this responsibility, for improving the living conditions of the homeless. Question 1: What kind of intervention, if any, would be appropriate here? The self-destructive behavior of Arthur Cafiero was perhaps promoted by his loneliness. A lot of people were around him, but perhaps he never felt close enough to anyone to share what he wanted, or simply to share the problems he was facing.His intentions for suicide were not taken seriously. Who knows why was he willing to commit suicide? Was he affected by a psychiatric disease? Depression? Or was it a feeling of being useless for anyone or doing anything? An attempt to look for the root cause of his problems was the first thing that should have been done. Justifying one’s death by saying that he was willing to die, clearly implies that no one showed interest in knowing the cause of his problems. He was offered shelter, but he refused it.Good counseling by an expert mental health care physician would have shown better results. Refusal can be converted to acceptance by letting a person realize that what is being offered to him, is nothing else but his own need which should be fulfilled under all conditio ns. Question 2: Do you agree with what Mr. Brashear says about Arthur Cafieros choices? Why or why not? Arthur Cafieros appears to be the kind of person who is very much limited to himself. He has a complicated personality.On one hand he dislikes taking favors by refusing to take shelter, but on the other hand he returns the burger saying it has less amount of meat. It appears that Mr. Cafieros is not clear about his preferences. Showing resistance against police officer’s actions may mean he was afraid of their actions or that he had no trust in them. Taking an action that defends one’s right does not make him proud as Mr. Brashear mentioned in his words. It might be his love for justice and an attempt to keep this matter in his control. Reference Newman, A. (2003). `Church Pays Tribute to a Man Whose Home Was Its Steps.` The New York Times.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Detailed Cycle Analysis of Turbofan Engine Essay

Detailed Cycle Analysis of Turbofan Engine - Essay Example 1. Fan – The fan is at the obverse of the engine. The process of propulsion begins at this part. The fan initiates a flow of air around the engine. The air gets separated into two streams. The larger stream, known as bypass air, is typically about 85%, while the smaller stream which refers to primary air, is about 15% of the total volume of air. The bypass air usually keeps the engine quieter, cooler and more fuel efficient. 3. Combustion chamber – After the compression process is complete the highly pressured air got forced through a combustor. Then, fuel got added and burned. This process makes the air temperature to be high. 4. Turbines – Hot air gets blasted through the blades of the turbines. The two whirling turbines rotate the shafts that steer both the fan and the compressors at the front part of the engine. This process allows modern jets to function with high fuel efficiency. 5. Exhaust nozzle – The hot air get forced via the exhaust opening at the rear part of the engine. The air gets forced to accelerate due to the thin walls of the exhaust nozzle. The acceleration of the air, combined with its weight, drives the engine forward. An explanation of how the turbofan engine works became discussed here. The inward bound air enters the engine shaft. A portion of the inward air passes through the ducted fan. It continues on into the core compressor (Diesinger 2008, p.34). This then goes to the burner. Here, air mixes with fuel and combustion occurs. For the basic turbojet, the hot exhaust gas passes through fan turbines, the core and then out through the nozzle. The surplus of the inbound air passes through the bypasses and fan. Sometimes it goes about the engine. This is just like the air via a propeller. The velocity of the air that passes via the fan is higher than the free stream. A turbofan gets a portion of its thrust from the fan and the rest from the core (Peter Galison 2000, p.25). In the analysis of the engine cycle, the bypass ratio

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Multi-national operation and risk management of Renishaw plc Essay

Multi-national operation and risk management of Renishaw plc - Essay Example It also deals in production of healthcare products. Among what it produces are medical devices, surgical robots, and planning software used for stereotactic neurosurgery for products. The company manufactures dental CAD/CAM and stereotactic neurological systems. The company sent its products to all markets in the world (Thomas 2012). This is a company with its base in the UK and has operations throughout the world. Renishaw Plc offers services in 35 key markets, including Australia, Europe, United States, and Japan among others. The UK and Germany are two of its largest markets (Grant 2007). Especially the Western Europe markets, which are the largest source of purchasing power accounting for 28% of the worldwide total in 2012. In addition, the company has more than 60 offices in 32 countries with 94% of its sales realized outside the UK. The reputation as exhibited by the company has made it receive numerous awards among them the fifth Queen’s Awards (Grant 2007). This is a public company listed in the London Stock Exchange with an employee base of over 3,092; it is also a constituent of FTSE 250 Index. However, this number grows progressively at the rate of 11.8% yearly. This is partly because of the business in which the company is engaged in of manufacturing an assortment of test-probe and measurement system that are applied in industrial operations. Its latest sales as at June 2013 were recorded at $ 527.5 Million with a growth of 1.8% from the previous year’s sales figures. Its net income was recorded at $ 105.6 Million with an income growth of 2.8% annually. The firm as well gains its competitive strengths from its competitors, which include - Badger Meter, Inc; Euro Tech Holdings Company Limited; Controlotron Corporation among many others (Aguilar 2004). Financial Ratio Analysis is a technique that is employed when analyzing the financial performance of a

The role of play in the curriculm for young children with special Term Paper

The role of play in the curriculm for young children with special needs - Term Paper Example It is believed that such pedagogy enables young children to begin the process of early learning (Open University, 2009). During play, â€Å"children demonstrate improved verbal communications, high levels of social and interaction skills, creative use of play materials, imaginative and divergent thinking skills and problem-solving capabilities† (Wood, 2004, p. 21). Play offers many benefits. It engages the mind to actively imagine various scenarios for fun or for problem-solving. Babies and toddlers display play in motion and we observe that they do it to get to know their world – how things work, how people react, etc. They get to explore and discover things that otherwise they will not learn about if they do not actively engage in play. Free exploration is considered Heuristic play by Holland (2003). It is encouraged without adult intervention. Adults simply provide simple materials and allow the child to just be and let his imagination take off . â€Å"The child lea rns from observing directly what these objects will ‘do’ or ‘not do’, in sharp contrast to much of the ‘educational’ equipment which has a result predetermined by the design which has been devised by the adult maker (Holland, 2003, p. 142). Heuristic play will not only stimulate a child’s thinking, but it also develops his creativity as he will see in his mind endless possibilities in imaginatively transforming ordinary objects into various things with various functions. Play has value in all the developmental areas of children (Macintyre, 2003). Unwittingly, children delight in games that stimulate thinking. Such cognitive benefits extend to their real lives as they make decisions, compare and contrast things, use their imaginations and thinking critically and creatively. Play also engages the body. Certain games involve gross and fine motor coordination. It also helps to expend the stored energy within them, willing to be set free. Run ning around, jumping, tumbling and other physical activities help them be physically fit as well as release tension. Active play develops their muscles, agility, flexibility and endurance. It is the foundation of one’s potential for certain sports. Socially, play coaxes a shy child outside his shell. Play fosters the development of friendships. As children play with other children or adults, they get to know about how other people behave, think and feel. They also get to learn socially acceptable behavior like not hurting others and playing fair. Most importantly, they get to know themselves better- how they react to certain situations in the play setting. Vygotsky (1978) believed that children’s intellectual development is influenced more by social context than by individual experiences. His theory places a great deal of emphasis on effective social interaction. Bingham (2008) cites Vygotsky (1978) as he writes: â€Å"Play creates a zone of proximal development of th e child. In play the child always behaves beyond his average age, above his daily behavior; in play it is as though he were a head taller than himself." He defined the ZPD as the distance between a child’s independent problem-solving level and that obtained under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers (Wertsch, 1985). A young learner’s exposure to peers, teachers and other adults and learning materials greatly influences his development. â€Å"Such cognitive apprenticeships are, of course, inherently reliant on a

Monday, August 26, 2019

How did Ptolemy I come to adopt the title of king after Alexander the Essay

How did Ptolemy I come to adopt the title of king after Alexander the Great's death How did he come to adopt the title of 'Soter' meaning Saviour What controversial evidence surrounds these events - Essay Example Though Ptolemy became known to history initially as the â€Å"friend, confidant, and later general of Alexander† and later as his predecessor, there was no indication from any historical accounts that Alexander wanted Ptolemy to be his successor (Bingen and Bagnall, 2007, 15). But it has been clear from historical documents that Ptolemy was close to Alexander (Worthington, 2003, p.137). It was by the year, 330 that Ptolemy â€Å"succeeded Demetrius† and became the aide-in-hand of Ptolemy as he was already a senior leader in the â€Å"Macedonian army† (Ellis, 1994, p.10). Green (1990) has observed, â€Å"Ptolemy was one of the few to realize that limiting his ambition would actually get him farther in the long run† (p.9). But once Alexander died, he was not sitting idle as well. After taking over the responsibility of governance of Egypt, the first thing he did was to attack and conquer â€Å"the rich North African State of Cyrenaica† without attaining any permission from Perdiccas (Green, 1990, p.13). On the political front, Ptolemy is known for the first ever application in history â€Å"of a philosophy of monarchic power† once he succeeded Alexander as the king (15). But later historians (eg:- Bosworth, 1976) have also pointed out that Ptolemy manipulated the facts in his history of Alexander, a text from which supposedly the most authentic historian of Alexander, Arrian, drew his facts to retell the story (117). It has been observed that Ptolemy exaggerated his own achievements and downplayed his rivals’ ones in this text (Bosworth, 1976, 117). And the result was that whatever history that exists about Alexander, incorporates within it, the exaggerated self of Ptolemy also. Ptolemy himself had told the story of Alexander but this book is now lost somewhere in the quagmire of history (Ellis, 1994, 7). Hence, it is through the work of Arrian (1907), that now we know the story of Alexander, of course as told

Sunday, August 25, 2019

COURSE WORK. OIL AND GAS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

COURSE WORK. OIL AND GAS - Assignment Example Esso, Exxon and Mobil are the brands in which the company uses to consolidate the market. These are energy products used in the petrochemical industry, lubrication and transport industry, and companies that require petroleum energy to drive their production (Coll 2012, Abreu 2010 and Choi, 2008). This paper is a report on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that face the company. It provides a critical evaluation of the above elements of the company, and where possible, this paper gives examples, and explains them. The main aim of this analysis is to predict the future potential of the weakness, and advice investors on whether it is wise to invest in this company. The importance of this SWOT analysis is to identify whether it is a wise venture to invest in ExxonMobil. To effectively explain the strengths of the organization, this paper highlights the following issues in regard to ExxonMobil, its position as the most dominant player in its field of operation, and its varied sources of revenue. This paper recognizes the company’s stable economic performance as one of its strengths. This paper identifies and explains the following as the weaknesses of the organization, excessive legal proceedings, employee instability, and a week upstream performance in the United States economy, and its association with dictatorial regimes in African countries such as Chad. It identifies the opportunities of this company as, emerging markets for energy in china, an increase for the demand of liquefied gas, increase in profitability due to its extensive base, among others. In identifying and describing the threats the organization faces, this paper focuses on the economic recession in United States of America and Europe, piracy and terror threats, and laws regulating the environment. This paper has a conclusion, and it is an analysis of the various described, and it gives a recommendation on whether investing in the company is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Reading summary 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading summary 4 - Assignment Example First, hisba turn out to be a coercive, public power that may potentially punish individuals for holding to religious practices and beliefs; thus, violating liberal secular prescriptions for the religion’s good boundaries. Second, the subsequent legislations and the courts articulate hisba differently from how it is elaborated classically in the Islamic shari’a (Agrama 498). Shari’a aims at cultivating and securing certain moral values. But, the court judgments along with legislation hisba get articulated as a legal practice that connects with the protection of public order, public interest, religious beliefs and public order. Thus, explaining why it is hard to know if the country is a religious or secular state (Agrama 515). Therefore, the presented facts relating to present situations shows that secularism incessantly blurs along with politics and religion and its power depends on the precariousness categories it establishes. Thus, Egypt’s political-religious ambiguities express the deeper indetermination at the secular power foundation. Hence, the country is gradually abandoning its religion and adopting secularism following the introduction of different laws. Thus, it is not concluded if it is still a religious or a secular

Friday, August 23, 2019

Why Were Women In Ireland Excluded From The Public Exercise Of Power Essay

Why Were Women In Ireland Excluded From The Public Exercise Of Power Over Men - Essay Example One reason is that Irish historiography has been little affected with recent methodological developments in intellectual history. During the last two decades, however, there has been a move away from regarding political texts as embodiments of eternal truths to a more contextual approach: one in which political theory is regarded not as the rarefied speculation of isolated individuals, but as a social activity conducted by numerous people using a variety of linguistic conventions. In Ireland political though is to be found in myth, law, literature, theology, folk fore, in ballads, newspapers, parliamentary debates, pamphlets and sermons, as well as in the conventional texts. Furthermore, Irelands’ political thinkers have displayed great heterogeneity, encompassing, for example, seventeenth- century bishops and poets; professors and conspirators in eighteenth century; improving land lords, urban artisans, journalists in the last century and politicians and literati in this. Yet Irish historiography has largely remained unaware of the rich pickings offered by a contextual approach to political ideas. Instead, emphasis is still placed upon men or women of action. Throughout the troubled history of Ireland, women have been no less concerned than men when it came to coping with the difficulties and confused loyalties of Ireland. The role they played, however, have been misconceived and underestimated in past histories of the island.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Qualites of an Effective Helper Essay Example for Free

Qualites of an Effective Helper Essay I believe that ill be an effective helper because I am caring trustful honest and open minded. I also know What its like self , family problems I also know the feelings of being unwanted and unloved is so Powerful that its hard to over come. I am motivated by desire to help all types of people work thought their problems no matter how big or little they are. The qualities that I have that will make me an effective helper are that I am a good listener, I am open- minded about all most everything even if I don’t really understand. I am honest and I don’t mind telling the truth to someone even if it hurts their feelings sometimes people need to hear the truth it helps them see it through someone’s else’s eyes, but I also know when to be respectful to other people needs, beliefs and values. I have had some personal problems that I think other people may have, I don’t mind sharing them with a client to show them that I have been down that road in life and with sharing I would hope that it will help our relationship. I don’t like to judge people because at some point in life everyone has had some kinds of problems and I have no right to judge we are all human we all live and learn. I have an happy go lucky presonallalliti so smiling and showing that I care comes easy for me, I have no problem putting myself on the spot to break the ice with a client. I am a patience person, I know that time is the key to help out with the relationship,, I know that it is hard to open up to someone that you think will judge you. I believe that helping a client find forgiveness it the key to most problems and that forgiving ourselves is one of the hardest things to do. I believe that everyone should have respect for all and be understanding, I try to understand everyone’s views, values and beliefs but when it comes to someone that has sexual abuse or killed a child would be really hard for me because I see children as the best gift in life, I don’t understand how any one would want to hurt them in any way. I know that they may have had it done to them . If I had to work with that has done one of those thing I would try really hard to put my feelings aside as best as I could. Nicki Prudhomme

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Appeals Compare and Contrast Essay Essay Example for Free

Appeals Compare and Contrast Essay Essay In William Shakespeare’s Rendition of Julius Caesar death, the character Brutus must persuade the audience into believing his murder of Caesar was justified. To be sure that he is imprinted as a â€Å"heroine† for saving the roman empire he makes Mark Anthony go, knowing that the audience will believe him for he was Caesars best friend. Brutus makes sure that he implies him as a good guy by giving him restrictions on what he could and could not say, but ultimately Brutus fails with his plan for he did not listen to Anthony’s speech which was one of his most grave mistakes, and Anthony wins over the audience while Brutus is forced to flee from the roman empire. In Brutus’s speech he enlightened the audience through his use of logos by demonstrating the true sense of capability they would have faced if Caesar would have continued as a tyrannical ruler as he says â€Å"would u had Caesar were living, and die slaves†. Brutus stressed the oppressing future and eventual demise of the roman empire as long as Caesar had remained in power, hence his reasoning behind his actions. As Brutus using pathos to persuade the audience as he says â€Å"who here is so vile that will not love his country† Brutus expresses his feelings for the empire and how he cares trying to make the audience feel the dreadful for thinking that his killing of Caesar was a betrayal to the empire. The Biggest flaw was that his speech was too short he never really explained the crimes or tyranny that Caesar had committed and that would eventually be his downfall. As mark Anthony approaches the audience he had to find a way to oblige to Brutus’s rules of not saying anything negative of him. He announces to the audience using logos by expressing his sadness for Caesars death, as he speaks he quotes the conspirators as â€Å"honorable men† as he repeated the quote over and over the audience began to rally up and shout, the more he said it the more the audience realized how Brutus lied to them. Anthony had shown the audience of the Brutus’s betrayal without saying he wasn’t a honorable man. As Anthony says â€Å"He [Caesar] hath brought many captives home to Rome whose ransoms did the general coffers fill† showing that Caesar had cared for the city trying to bring wealth to the empire, but then Anthony says â€Å"but Caesar is ambitious† making the audience praise more for Caesar for he had brought wealth to the empire. Anthony shows the audience of Brutus’s act of violence which ultimately gave Anthony the audience and the upper hand. Anthony showed Brutus as a â€Å"hero† as brutus wanted, but brutus did not expect Brutus fails of his plans to make the audience belive caesars death was justified, Anthony shows the audience in anthonys words, that he was telling the truth from his sadness and tone, while Brutus was failed as he only said a few words and left Anthony all by himself. Ultimately making the audience team up with Anthony, as Brutus flees the empire.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Explaining the Nursing NMC Code of Conduct

Explaining the Nursing NMC Code of Conduct (A.) A code of conduct is a set of customary principles and expectancy that are considered binding on anybody who is member of a certain group. Nursing and midwifery practice in the United Kingdom are bound by a set of precepts and standard that set the least requirements for anyone wishing to practice nursing or midwifery within England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Island. There is a more advance set of ethical and behavioural pattern that all nurse and midwife working in the United Kingdom must follow (NMC 2008).This is maybe the most important of the pattern set by the regulatory body for nurses and midwives as it comprises the ethical and moral codes that they are expected to obey. The code applies to anyone in the register; nevertheless the importance and need for codes of practice and conduct goes beyond nurses and midwives and their everyday contact with patients. Even when not on duty, they must still stick to the principles and values comprising the code, especially as they directly connected to the women and people that they have been in their care. An example of this is respecting your client confidentiality. There are no much difference in the NMC code of conduct United Kingdom and that of Nigeria. In the aspect of treating people equally without prejudice and discrimination, all humans are equal and must be treated kindly and with respect. Confidentiality is another important part of the code of conduct which states that sharing of information is not right except in the case where the person is at risk of harm or in compliance with a court case. In writing of inform consent one must ensure that the client is of legal age which is 18years in Nigeria. In a situation where the client is under aged, the parent or next of kin signs the informed consent on his or her behalf. A nurse should maintain boundaries in a professional by not accepting gift, favours because it might be interpreted as an attempt to gain special preference. A nurse should avoid careless, malpractice and abuse while providing care to client. Clients do have a right to know about their conditions. A nurse should be accountable to the public at all time by helping to protect the public against harmful dangers and agents. As a nurse one must be ready to implement global health initiatives and participate in national and international conferences. (B.) Be aware that the rules of obtaining consent apply equally to those who have mental illness. Under mental health act it is very important that clients are checked under statutory powers, knowing the conditions and safeguards needed for giving care and treatment without consent. (C.) An area of the code that I am interested in is the area of informed consent. In Nigeria a clients legal age that allows him or her to sign informed consent is 18 years and above but in a situation where the client is under aged, the guardian or next of kin can sign the informed consent on his or her behalf. While in the United Kingdom, if the client is (a minor) under the age of 16,it becomes a complex case because it is believed that they are not matured enough to have a superior power of discernment and reasoning to make decision. This is a more similar case with that of Nigeria. Buts the difference is that, in Nigeria even if the client is 16 or 17 years and with parental responsibility the client will still not be given the opportunity to sign an inform consent. However the explicit wish of a minor should be thought about by an investigator, there are gillick competent minors that are able of consenting in their own right to treatment procedures, given that, in the view of t he professional concerned, they had gotten the nature of the treatment she is going to have and its potential advantage and disadvantage and were adequately mature intellectually and emotionally to make a judgement. In high schools in the United Kingdom, consent is important to the appropriateness of treatment and school nurses must have a sound consent before he or she can lawfully go on with treatment for a child. For children who are very young who do not have the power to make consent for treatment, the school nurse will depend confidently on the consent of someone acting on the power of a person with parental responsibility. As a child rows with age the law permits them to make consent to treatment decisions where they have the power to do so. School nurses can go on with treatment plan and advice if the child is seen or considered to be gillick competent. Right to consent is not subject to individual will or judgement without restriction set at puberty: it is a must by the school nurse who must be comfortable that the child is old enough to fully understand the consequences of the particular decision they are making. The more complicated the decision, the greater the maturity and intelligence needed to reach ability, as there will be a lot for the child to understand. School nurses will need to be comfortable with the child to fully estimate the difficult issues that needs to be considered before they can safely go on that the child has power to consent to treatment. In a case were the child is asking for treatment and counselling in relation to sexual activity such as contraceptive, then the nurse must also be sure that they are acting to protect the child and they meet the need of the sexual offences Act 2003.This is best achieved by recording the treatment and counselling given in line with Lord Frasers guidance in Gillick V West Norfolk and Wisbech AHA (1986) School nurses must keep their patients medical needs confidentially. This duty is draw from their legal, pertaining to and professional sense of duty and requires that as a rule they will not open patient information.However, the need to share information with others is vital to help deliver necessary care and protection of patients. While not proper disclosure is never welcomed, always using the duty of confidence as an excuse never to share information can lead in poor care and even bad report. School nurses must look at each case on its merits. Whenever needed the consent of the patient should be gotten before disclosure. Disclosure of patient information without consent is allowed in the public interest or where regarded by law and it is important that school nurses carefully balance the overall need for confidentiality against the needs and welfare of the patient that might need the information to be shared with necessary source. (D.) The sufficiency of informed consent is a vital part to consider when caring for patients.Weisz Melton (1995) describes informed consent as one of the most debateable issue in health care. This debate becomes even more important in adolescents health care. Informed consent is a technical issue and often does build legal and ethical concerns for the adolescent, parents or legal guardian(s) of the adolescents (Sturman, 2005) The legal and ethical connections associated with informed consent are very complicated and present challenges for those finding treatment and those delivering care (Anderson, 2005) an example was when a 16 year old girl walked into the hospital where I worked as a registered nurse in Nigeria and said she was pregnant and wanted to terminate the pregnancy. She was asked to go and call her parents or guardian to come and sign an informed consent for her before any form of pregnancy termination will be done. She walked up to me thinking probably I could help her out as a young nurse but rather I recognised my responsibility and up held the code of conduct which states that clients who are under aged; not above 18 years should be with a next of kin or parents to sign an informed consent. (E.) If it was in the United Kingdom, I would have acted differently because once a child gets to the age of 16; he or she is believed in law to be capable to give consent for themselves for their own medical, dental or surgical procedures. Meaning the young girl would be treated as an adult. Although it is still best practice to advice capable children to involve their parents in decision making. Where confidentiality is involved i must keep her privacy, unless I can justify disclosure on the grounds that I suspect she would likely suffer consequential harm. I would however ask her to involve her parents, unless I see it was not in her best interest to do so. (F.) The four Nursing and midwifery council domains are: Competent midwifery practice, Professional and ethical practice, developing others and self and realizing quality care through appraisal and research. As a registered nurse I took personal responsibility for my actions, those I forgot to do and been accountable for any action I take. I could make sound decision while handling the case of my young client in respect of my personal professional development; practice within the range of view of my personal professional capability and extended this scope as needed. Working with minors, a registered nurse should have capability and confident in giving the basic aspect of care. This gives the client and parents more confidence. This confidence and capability strengthens the foundation by ability and practical skills in the area of child growth, communicating with minors and their family members. This self awareness for nurses working with minors needs to be able to give support, educate them and help them understand what they should do and why, to make decisions about treatment choice and to be able to assist themselves meaningfully to their own care. A registered nurse must recognize their emotions, quality of feeling at a particular time and drives. They need to understand how these emotions produce effect on others and their performance. This self awareness requires strict inquiry into their personal thoughts and experiences. It required carefully weighed analysis of their feelings and how these emotions drive ideas and behaviours. We humans always have automatic reactions to certain interpersonal stimuli. This reverse movement may result from deep-seated suppositions that have taken root over time. Best example of an automatic reaction can be seen when watching group of cows going out to pasture. For unknown reasons, the cows always follow the same path. Humans also create symbolic cow paths in their rejoinder to certain situations, thoughts and emotions. The registered nurse needs to know his or her cow paths in other to raise their self-ability and have self-reliance in situations fraught with the various emotional responses found in health care. REFERENCE LIST Christina, M. (2009). Midwifery regulations in the United Kingdom. In: Diane, F and Margaret, C Myles textbook for Midwives. 15th ed. London: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. P83. DOH. (2010). Seeking consent; working with children. Available: Last accessed 16th May 2011. Janet, F. (2010). Evolution of clinical nurse specialist role and practice in the United State. In: Janet, F and Brenda, L Foundations of clinical nurse specialist practice. New York: Springers publishing company. P18 NMC, UK. (2008). The code; Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. Available: Last accessed 10th May 2011. NMC, Nigeria. (2005). Code of professional conduct. Available: Last accessed 10th May 2011. Nick.B (2009). Legal and ethical issues relating to medicinal products. In: John, G and PFDArcy The textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine. 6th ed. London: BMJ Publishing Group Limited. P354. NMC, UK. (2004). Standards of proficiency for pre-registration nursing education. Available: Last accessed 16th May 2011. NMC, UK. (2006). Allegations; Warwick, Diana 78A3956E. Available: Last accessed 14th May 2011. NMC, UK. (2010). Feedback about the guardians. Available: Last accessed 12th May 2011. NMC, UK. (2008). Advice for nurses working with children and young people. Available: Last accessed 16th May 2011. Roberson, AJ. (2007). Adolescent informed consent: ethics, law and theory to guide policy and nursing research. Journal of Nursing Law. 11 (4), P191-P192. (Accessed 14th May 2011) Griffith, R. (2008). Consent and children:the law for children. British journal of school nursing. 3 (6), p284. Mark ,A. (2008). School nurses and consent:duty of confidence. British journal of school nursing. 3 (8), 380.

Themes in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: essays research papers

Of Mice and Men Essay Writing In this essay I will be discussing the novel 'Of Mice and Men' and the importance of the American dream which is a main theme in the novel. I will also be mentioning some other themes which are present such as loneliness, racism, ageism, hardship, friendship and broken dreams. The American dream states ?All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.? America is supposed to be a land built on opportunity. It promised independence, land and a decent living throughout honest work. It also meant in theory that anyone can become successful. It is a great dream for the lucky few that succeed, Throughout this novel the theme of the American dream plays a major role. The characters Lennie and George?s dream is to buy their own ranch together and be their own boss. Throughout the novel the dream is mentioned monotonously by Lennie and George and soon it becomes Candy?s dream, so it is very important throughout the novel because these characters rely on it and it is the only hope which they have left. The dream is very important because it is what some of the characters rely on and what keeps them going, just the thought that one day they may actually achieve this dream and escape the loneliness and disappointment and peril which is their lives. The dream of the ranch keeps George and Lennie going through the tough times and it infects others like Candy and Crooks yet is just a bunch of words repeated over and over again. It starts off being said rhythmically but by the end they?re spoken monotonously. When George finally accepts that dreams don?t come true, the dream becomes a burden to him. ?Tell about that place George?. Fragment (consider revising) ?Go on-tell again George!? This is a bit of a comfort story for Lennie which you tell a child. Themes in Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men :: essays research papers Of Mice and Men Essay Writing In this essay I will be discussing the novel 'Of Mice and Men' and the importance of the American dream which is a main theme in the novel. I will also be mentioning some other themes which are present such as loneliness, racism, ageism, hardship, friendship and broken dreams. The American dream states ?All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.? America is supposed to be a land built on opportunity. It promised independence, land and a decent living throughout honest work. It also meant in theory that anyone can become successful. It is a great dream for the lucky few that succeed, Throughout this novel the theme of the American dream plays a major role. The characters Lennie and George?s dream is to buy their own ranch together and be their own boss. Throughout the novel the dream is mentioned monotonously by Lennie and George and soon it becomes Candy?s dream, so it is very important throughout the novel because these characters rely on it and it is the only hope which they have left. The dream is very important because it is what some of the characters rely on and what keeps them going, just the thought that one day they may actually achieve this dream and escape the loneliness and disappointment and peril which is their lives. The dream of the ranch keeps George and Lennie going through the tough times and it infects others like Candy and Crooks yet is just a bunch of words repeated over and over again. It starts off being said rhythmically but by the end they?re spoken monotonously. When George finally accepts that dreams don?t come true, the dream becomes a burden to him. ?Tell about that place George?. Fragment (consider revising) ?Go on-tell again George!? This is a bit of a comfort story for Lennie which you tell a child.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Love is Close at Hand: The Age of Innocence Essay -- The Age of Innoce

Love is Close at Hand: The Age of Innocence November 1998, written for FILM 220: Aspects of Criticism. This is a 24-week course for second-year students, examining methods of critical analysis, interpretation and evaluation. The final assignment was simply to write a 1000-word critical essay on a film seen in class during the final six-weeks of the course. Students were expected to draw on concepts they had studied over the length of the course. INSTRUCTOR'S COMMENT: Brilliantly observed and beautifully written. The Age of Innocence is a film about confinement, restraint, and stoicism. Characters drift from tea, to the opera, and home again. They attend lavish parties, and observe the rigidity of English decorum; marry, have children, and die. Emotion is mollified by these various diversions, and all of upper-class New York appears to be content being anaesthetized by the idle task of upholding wealth and reputation. Only Countess Ellen Olenska and Newland Archer, with their feverish love for one another, test the bounds of this suffocating social structure. Newland and Countess Olenska's love is in strong contrast with the emotional vacuity of their peers, and it is this very contrast upon which the pathos of their story hinges. The lovers relish the moments they manage to steal with one another, absconding to a remote log cabin or savoring a clandestine carriage ride. The film is permeated by this sort of foreplay, teasing the viewer from beginning to end with auspicious meetings between the two lovers. Each time, however, the promising moments are snuffed by the pressures of New York high-society. Conjugal constraints force Newland and Countess Olenska to repress their longings, and in the drudgery of everyday ... ...untess Olenska's hand slides off Newland's as she leaves the table, and disappears from his life. Newland is left with a sculpture of May's hands, petrified and cold, sitting in his study to forever remind him of the Countess's delicate touch, and the ostensibly shallow and frigid wife who denied him his happiness. Referred to as his family's "strong right hand", Newland's composure slips and shatters over the course of the film as he becomes increasingly obsessed with Countess Olenska and the allure of her forbidden touch. The camera plays close attention to hands, reinforcing the rigidity and frigid decorum that pervade the film, offering the notion of touch as an escape from the pedantic lifestyle of upper-class New York. Ultimately, the simplicity of hands becomes the essence of life, love, and happiness, in a film saturated with customs, pageantry and pomp.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

accounting Essay -- essays research papers

Accounting A)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The budget at Henigen Corporation is an imposed â€Å"top down† budget which fails to consider the need for realistic data and the human interaction essential to an effective budgeting/control process. One cannot know whether or not there are any realistic goals for this company because the president has not given any basis for his goals. Participation of employees in preparation of the budget is minimal and limited to mechanical gathering and manipulation of data. Implementation of the budget will show little eagerness. The budgeting process is the merging of the requirements of all facets of the company on a basis of sound judgment and equity. These specific examples of poor procedures other than the approach and goals are listed below.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The sales by product line should be based upon and accurate sales forecast of potential market. As a result, the sales by product line should have been developed first to derive the sales target rather than the reverse.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Production costs probably would be the easiest and most certain costs to estimate. One could estimate the sales volume needed to cover manufacturing costs plus the cost of other aspects of the operation if they were given variable and fixed production costs. Marketing costs and corporate office expenses cannot be exactly set before the above is accomplished.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first meeting between the vic...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The External Environment ( Strategic Management)

Review THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT (STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT) A host of external factors influence a firm’s choice of direction and action, ultimately its organizational structure and internal factors. These factors, which constitute the external environment, can be divided into three interrelated subcategories there are as follows:A. REMOTE ENVIROMENTThe remote environment comprises factors that originate beyond and usually irrespective of any single firm’s operating situation: economic, social, political, technological, and ecological factors.That environment presents firm with opportunities, treats, and constraint; but rarely does a single firm exert any meaningful reciprocal influence.1. Economic FactorsEconomics factors concern the nature and direction of the economy in which a firm operates. Because consumption patterns are affected by the relative affluence of various market segment, in strategic planning each firm must consider economic trend in the segment that affect its industry.2. Social FactorsThe social factors that affect a firm involve the beliefs, values, attitudes, opinions, and lifestyles of persons in the firm’s external environment, as developed from cultural, ecological, demographic, religious, educational, and ethics conditioning. Like other forces in the remote environment, social forces are dynamic, with constant change resulting from the efforts of individuals to satisfy their desires and needs by controlling and adapting to environment factors. One of the most profound social changes in recent years has been the entry of large numbers of women into labor market.Second, social change has been the accelerating interest of consumers and employees in quality-of-life issues. Third, social change has been the shift in the age distribution of population. A consequence of the changing age distribution of the population has been a sharp increase in demands made by a growing a number of senior citizens.3. Political FactorsThe direction and stability of political factors in a major con sideration for managers on formulating company strategy political factors define the legal regulatory parameters within which firm must be operate.Political constraint are placed on firm through fair trade decisions, antitrust laws, tax programs, minimum wage legislation, population and pricing policies, administrative jawboning, and many more actions aimed at protecting employees, consumers, the general public, and the environment. Technological Fact To avoid obsolescence and promote the innovation, a firm must be aware of technological changes that might influence its industry. Technological forecasting can help protect and improve the probability of firm in the growing industries. It alerts strategic managers to both impeding challenges and promising opportunities.4. Ecological FactorsThe term ecology refers to the relationship between human beings and other living things and the air, soil, and water that support them. Threats to our life-supporting ecology caused principally by human activities in an industrial society are commonly referred to as pollution, such as water and land pollution.B. INDUSTRY ENVIRONMENTTo establish a strategic agenda for dealing with these contending currents and to grow despite them, a company must understand how they work in its industry and how they affect the company in its particular situation.How Competitive Force Shape StrategyThe essence of strategy formulating is coping with the competition. In the fight for market share, competition is not manifested only in the other players. Rather, competition in an industry is rooted in its underlying economics, and competitive forces exists that go well beyond the established combatants in a particular industry.Contending ForcesEvery industry has an underlying structure, or a set of fundamental economics and technical characteristics, that gives rise to these competitive forces. A few characteristics are critical to the strength of each competitive force.a. Threat of EntryNew entra nts to an industry bring new capacity, the desire to gain market share, and often substantial resources. There are six major sources of barriers to entry:Economies of Scaledeter entry by forcing the aspirant either to come in on a large scale or to accept a cost disadvantage.Product Differentiationto create high fences around their business, brewers couple brand identification with economies of scale in production, distribution, and marketing.Capital Requirementscapital is necessary not only for fixed facilities but also for customer credit, inventories, and absorbing start-up losses. Cost Disadvantage Independent of Sizeentrenched companies may have cost advantages not available to potential rivals, no matter what their size and attainable economies of scale.Access to Distribution Channels the more limited distribution channels are and more that existing competitors have tied up, obviously the tougher that entry into the industry will be.Government Policycan limit or even foreclose entry to industries, which such as controls as license requirements and limits on access to raw material.b. Powerful SuppliersSuppliers can exert bargaining power on participants in industry by raising prices or reducing the quality of purchased goods and services. A suppliers group is powerful if: – it is dominated by a few companies and is more concentrate than to the industry is sells, – its product is unique or at least differentiated, or if it has built-up switching cost, – it is not obliged to contend with other products for sale to the industry, – it poses a credible threat of integrating forward into the industry’s business, – the industry is not an important customer of the supplier group.Ã' . Powerful buyersA buyers group is powerful if: – it is concentrated or purchases in large volumes, – the products is purchases from the industry are standard or undifferentiated, – the products it purchases from the indus try form a component of its product, – it earns profits, which create great incentive to lower its purchasing cost, – the industry’s product is unimportant to the quality of the buyers ‘ products or services, – the industry’s product does ot save the buyer money, – the buyer pose a credible threat of integrating backward to make the industry’s product.d. Substitute productsSubstitute products that deserve the most attention strategically are those that are subject to trends improving their price-performance trade-off with the industry’s product or are subjected by industries earning high profits.e. Jockeying for PositionThe type of the intense rivalry is related to the presence of a number of factors: competitors are numerous or are roughly equal in size and power, industry growth is slow, the product or service lacks of differentiation or switching costs, fixed costs are high or the product is perishable creating strong temptation, capacity normally is augmented in large increment, exit barriers are high, and the rival are diverse in strategies, origins, and personalities. Industry Boundaries Definition of industry boundaries focuses attention on the firm’s competitors, and helps executives determine key factors for success. And also gives executives another basis on which to evaluate their firm’s goals. In defining industry boundaries is very difficult task.The difficult stems from three sources:1. The evolution of industries over times creates new opportunities and threats,2. industry evolution creates industries within industries, and3.Industries are becoming global in scope.Having developed a preliminary concept of the industry executives flush out its current component. Industry Structure Structural attributes are the enduring characteristics that give an industry its distinctive character. To explaining the variation among industries can doing through examining the variable that industry comprises such are concentration, economies of scale, product differentiation, and barriers to entry.Competitive AnalysisUsually have objectives such are to identify current and potential competitors, to identify potential moves by competitors, and to help the firm devise effective competitive strategies.C. OPERATING ENVIROMENTThe operating environment, also called the competitive or task environment, comprises factors in the competitive situation that affect a firm success in acquiring needed resources or in profitably marketing its goods and services. Competitive Position Assessing its competitive position improves a firm chance of designing strategies that optimize its environmental opportunities.Customer ProfilesDeveloping a profile of a firm’s present and perspective cust omers improves the ability of its managers to plan strategic operations, to anticipate changes in the size of markets, and to reallocate resources so as to support forecast shifts in demand patterns. The traditional approach to segmenting customers is based on customer profiles constructed from geographic, demographic, psychographic, and buyer behavior information. Suppliers Dependable relationship between a firm and its suppliers are essential to the firm’s long-term survival and growth.A firm regularly relies on its suppliers for financial support, services, materials, and equipment. In assessing a firm’s relationship with its suppliers, several factors, other than the strength of the relationships, should be considered. Creditors Because the quantity, quality, price, and accessibility of financial, human, and, material resources are rarely ideal, assessment of suppliers and creditors is critical to an accurate evaluation of a firm’s operating environment. Hum an Resources: Nature of the Labor Market A firm’s ability to attract and hold capable employees is essential to its success.However, a firm’s personnel recruitment and selection alternatives often are influenced by the nature of its operating environment. A firm’s access to needed personnel is affected primarily by three factors: the firm’s reputation as an employer, local employment rates, and the ready availability of people with the needed skills.D. EMPHASIS ON ENVIRONMENT FACTORSThe forces in the external environment are so dynamic and interactive that the impact of any single element cannot be wholly disassociated from the impact of other elements.Strategic managers are frequently frustrated in their attempts to anticipate the environment’s changing influences. Different external elements affect different strategies at different times and with varying influences. The only certainty is that impact of the remote and operating environment will be uncertain until a strategy is implemented. This leads many managers, particularly in less-powerful or smaller firm to minimize long-term planning, which requires a commitment of resources. Instead, they favor allowing managers to adapt to new pressures from environment.The companies that will be entry to business must assessing and consider the external environment of the company that will have potential impact to the company. In assessing the potential impact of changes in the external environment offers a real advantage for the company. It enables decision makers to narrow the range of the available options and to eliminate options that are clearly inconsistent with the forecast opportunities. Environment assessment seldom identifies the best strategy, but it generally leads to the elimination of all but the most promising options.The external environments that must be considered by the companies are remote environment, industry environment, and operating environment. These facto rs are lead how the company doing the business. How they take the opportunities from the external environment factor. And also how they make design of their business strategies is based on the conviction that a company able to anticipate future business condition will improve its performance and profitability. So, the companies assessment of external environment is to anticipate the situation and condition of the company in current and future.

Friday, August 16, 2019

To What Extent Is the Commercialization of Sport a Positive Trend?

I feel that commercialisation of sports is bad as it denies the sport players of their privacy. As the players would be constantly under the limelight, details of their lives, both the good and the bad, are released to the public. For example, in the recent Tiger Wood's scandal involving his many mistresses, his private life was broad casted to the public, attracting many criticisms. Therefore, the commercialization of sports is bad as it compromises the personal space of the athletes. Performance may not be the main focus in all sports. Some people may take up a sport just to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many sports, such as running and swimming can be solitary and non-competitive. It does not matter if one does not perform well in the activity, as long as the individual feels that being engaged in it brings benefit to his/her health. If the commercialization of sports were to cause people to develop a mindset that victory and quality of performance is of utmost importance, unnecessary pressure will be imposed on the sportsman. Their mentality may change, resulting in them thinking that only those who can excel in the sport deserve to take part. This causes those who do sports for health benefits but are not proficient to lose their penchant. Commercialization in this case is disadvantageous as it has the power to distort the mindset of people negatively. The psychological phobia may cause some people to be robbed of their chance to engage in a sport they like. The commercialization of sports has set in motion a shift in paradigm in sports; particularly those which involve teams. Players have become commodities to be traded and sold for extravagant sums of money and even clubs are being sold to the highest bidders. The trouble with this is that while sport used to be about performance excellence and hard work, clubs may now simply obtain success by splurging astronomical amounts of money to buy the best players that money can buy. Players no longer stay loyal to the clubs that trained them and honed their skills but instead seek greener pastures where the pay is higher than the exorbitant amount it already is. The overall result of this is a lack of sense of loyalty and passion and also makes a case for the notion that success can be bought with money. Commercialisation of sports leads to the erosion of it's values. No longer is the focus about doing one's best to win, it is now about wearing the branded goods. The promotion of sports apparel or energy beverages gives the idea that without these goods, one cannot achieve their optimal point in sports. Some of these brands include Nike, Adidas and Gatorade. While they may help the body's posture and movement, it is the person's perseverence that will pull them through. Commercialisation is only another form of distrcation. Hence, commercialisation of sports is bad. Commercialisation of sports is bad. It seems that Sports had lost it true meaning. Sports is no longer a simple physical exercise but involves many other issues. Instead, one's popularity and ability to appeal to the public is more important then one's talent and skills. For example: Anna Kournikova is the biggest tennis start yet she never won a grand slam, she gains a large amount of earnings through sponsorship alone Justin Henin(world no 1) is able to earn in a lifetime. This have shown the disparity between both individuals. Therefore, I conclude that commercialisation of sports have led to people placing more emphasis on looks then talent. Nowadays, if one was to declare themselves a fan of Chelsea football club, the reply you would get would most probably â€Å"Before or After Roman Abramovich? † Chelsea Football Club was bought over by a rich oil merchant in 2003, and this led to an interesting disadvantage of commercialisation in sport. Because of the large amount of capital that is provided to these clubs who are bought over by rich businessmen, they are able to buy their way to success. This effectively destroys sportsmanship in the spirit of competition and causes unfair advantages to smaller teams that do not have that large an amount of capital at their disposal and thus are unable to spend as freely. This is not just limited to football. Sport that are taken over by sponsorship or under ownership will all suffer from this disadvantage. In F1, Ferrari and MacLaren are always the teams that occupy the pole position whereas teams with less renowned cars like Toyota rarely become champions. Hence, commercialization has been proven to disrupt and distort the playing field, providing unfair economical and thus other advantages to certain teams Commercialisation is becoming increasingly prevalent in sport and while this moral issue would generally be perceived as positive with the availability of more money and resources, many believe that the idea of sport as an industry has allowed amateur sport to become overly competitive and the rise of riots due to sports, is a recognizable consequence of this. This change in many ways allowed us to enjoy the level of professional sport we enjoy in Singapore today. However, some believe the trickle down of commercialisation to amateur sports has increased the tendency to provide some type of reward with athletes adopting an attitude of â€Å"winning no matter the cost†. This is now even seen within the Olympics with athletes who live off their sport now competing in an ‘amateur' competition. Children in particular are today are socialised to value winning over playing fair. This affects their moral knowledge and development, ultimately affecting their decision making. Commercialisation of sports is bad as it only advertise certain types of sports as well as its players. This makes people believe that the sport being advertised is more popular than the rest. Furthermore, people's knowledge on the types of sports will be limited. The same applies to the player being internationally well known. The player may not be the best player but due to the vast commercialising of him, it may bring a perception that he is the best player. As a result, people are ignorant about the worthiness of the players and their feelings are being toyed with if it is known that their favourite player is just an average sportsman. Therefore, commercialisation of sports is bad. Commercialisation is bad due to the social impact it resulted. It have been noted that many kids nowadays dream about making money through sports like basketball instead of just playing the game the love. For instance, a magazine named Slam talks about basketball and the players in NBA. It consists of an advertisement which asks â€Å"What Sports Center do you watch†. Then it says, â€Å"Steve Francis watches the 6AM Sports Center. † In my opinion, the advertisement is trying to use Steve Francis' popularity to persuade audiences to watch the Sports Center. This is one example of companies using sports figures to sell their products. In the advertisement, the picture of Steve Francis in his house, shows us what really is important to him — the pool and golf course in his back yard through the window in his bedroom. Hence, it is partly due to commercialisation of sports that many people look up to him in terms of his material possessions and not the way he plays basketball. Positive There will be an increase in higher quality of performance as people strive to do better and win in sports. Funding and business profits from the commercializtion of sports enable sportsmen to improve themselves and thus ring the sport to higher grounds. If a player lacks equipment or proper training grounds like, say a tennis court, funding and money can provide the player with what he requires to improve his skills. Sports has to be commercialized in order to gain these funds, and thus the commercialization of sports is good. Commercialisation plays an important role in the sport existence. It helps to provide the funds and re sources needed for athletes to be able to perform at their fullest potential. Take a Track and Field athlete for example, without a proper pair of spikes the athlete cannot perform his best. Without commericalisation there will not be efficient athletes and without efficient athletes the sport cannot be exist. Thus commericalisation plays an important role in the sports industry to help keep sports alive by providing funds and resources needed. Another benefit for commercialization of sports is that amateur level sports can benefit through commercialization of sport at the professional level. Commercialization has brought greater exposure to sports such as A-League, NRL, Super 14 and these sports at an amateur level benefit directly through commercialization and the exposure brings it to a professional level spor Indeed, sports helps to generate revenue not only for the benefit of creating more capital for sports but also to generate more revenues for different industries. Modern sports links to commerce are highly visible. Stadiums and arenas bear the names of businesses, sponsors' logos are appearing on athletes' clothing and equipment and on the facilities they play in. Media companies pay a huge amount for the rights to broadcast sports events, and advertisers pay to promote products during the screening of sports events. The revenue of a country would increase due to the commercialisation of sports as more international competitions will be held in the country. Advertisements of the tournament or competition would interest more foreigners and bring in greater revenue. This would be beneficial to the country's economy. It was evident for the Beijing Olympics held in 2008 where many people turned up for the major event due to commercialisation; hence, contributing to China's economic growth the facilities built could still be used to train more athletes and sportsmen, hence, allowing them to perform at their full potential to prepare for future competitions. With better competitors, the sports event would be more exciting and entertaining to the viewers and this would generate revenue to the country especially if it is the one hosting the event. This would potentially lead to economic growth. In China, the commercialisation of sports was also a strategy to increase its ‘soft power' which is the ability to affect others to obtain the outcomes China wants. It has helped China to appear more attractive to other countries and this is the first step for China to build political relations with other countries, making it beneficial for them. Commercialization of sports has resulted in the increase in the number and quality of sports shown on television today. Without commercial sponsorship, people would not be able to follow their favourite sports from their homes as closely as they want. Thus commercialization of sports has benefited society in providing entertainmen Through commercialisation, sports have been able to reach out to large audiences. With the help of the business community, there is funding and also international coverage from the media. If not, international sports events such as the Olympic Games or the Sea Games would not be made possible. It is due to this support, that athletes are able to compete and to strive for the very best in such key international events. Furthermore, sponsorships and partnerships can help sports create opportunities, such as the Olympic Games, to not only survive but thrive in today's much economically and work-driven world. Moreover, commercialisation of sports can give a good exposure of the sport to youths of today's society. The lives of many youths today revolve around technology, leading to a very mundane lifestyle. Thus this exposure may lead to them picking up certain sports, diversifying and making their lifestyle more active instead of just spending hours on end on their computers. Thus, sports should be an important aspect of our lives and the only way to ensure it continues to flourish, especially in today's context, is through commercialisation.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Gllance At Information And Communication Technology Essay

Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an important tool in all aspects of life. With the development of technology, the introduction of ICT as a tool has essentially brought tremendous revolution to the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavor within business and governance during the past decades. Consequently, the importance of ICT project management cannot be overemphasized since it is the catalyst for successfully carrying out the ICT project. A critical research on the factors influencing the performance of ICT has been conducted as well as the introduction of different evaluation models or frameworks, which are used determine if an ICT project is successfully implemented. The last but not the least, a conclusion and a recommendation are given to prove that the potential values and benefits will be brought by elaborately analyzing those related factors before implementation and regularly evaluation on the ICT project. Table of content Introduction Recently, the role of Information and communication technology (ICT) has become more and more important in any forms of organizations and businesses. According to Daniels (2002) ICT has evolved to be one of the basic tool but pervasive among the public within such a short time. Besides, understanding the operational mechanism of ICT and mastering the fundamental skills and concepts of ICT are regarded as the basic knowledge that people now should equip with. However, it seems that many people have the wrong perceptions of what ICTs are; it’s commonly that ICTs generally be referred to ‘computers and computing related activities’ before the definition of ICT officially clarified by a United Nations report (1999). Also, according to UNESCO ICT could be understood in the way that which is the combination of ‘Informatics technology’ with other related technology, such as communication technology in particular. In other words, ICT is a more extended than information technology (IT), ICT not only emphasizes the technology itself, but also highlights the unified communications and the integration of telecommunications, computers; furthermore, by using these products such as the enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, users will be able to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. Now, we can find the radio broadcasts, audio conferencing, teleconferencing, email, interactive voice response system, audiocassettes and CD ROMs etc., are vari ous kinds of ICT products available, and those ICT products have been used for different purposes in our daily life, work environment, or common business practices. There are more and more people become aware of the benefits and efficiency brought by the ICT. With that in mind, people are starting paying more attentions on the ICT management issues, such as how to better manage ICT projects, what are those key factors determining the performance of ICT project, or how to adequately evaluate the performance of ICT project. Discussion Just as the other project management is, there are various success/failure factors related to the ICT project management. Here we discuss the roles of attitudes and the alignment between ICT and business, which are regarded as two of the most important key factors in ICT project management. A corresponding literature review is also preformed in order to better understand the background. The Roles of Attitudes Based on recent researches on the acceptance and use of ICT project, and related ICT design and development, ICT only brings values to the organization if it is accepted, applied and widely applied by those targeted users. From one of the research (Zhang, P. 2007), the author mentioned two different theories, which the inconformity between these two theories lays in the concepts behind and effects behavioral intention. The theories mentioned are Attitude toward ICT as an object (ATO) and Attitude toward using ICT as a behavior (ATB). By definition, ATO is â€Å"a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor† (Eagly et al. 1998) or, as a combination of evaluative judgments about an object (Crites et al. 1994), while ATB is defined as â€Å"an individual’s positive or negative feelings (evaluative affect) about performing the target behavior.† (Fishbein et al. 1975) And the conceptual confusions whether attitudes play important role in the context of ICT project acceptance and use has been clarified, and there is an interesting evidence showing that the roles of attitudes can change as the users’ use of the ICT increases. The Alignment between business and ICT The literature related to the information and communication technology (ICT) demonstrated that alignment between ICT and business will influence the business performance and effectiveness of the organization in a positive way. (Cumps, B., Viaene, S., Dedene, G., & Vandenbulcke, J 2006) Furthermore, the alignment of business and ICT of an organization is one of the fundamental sustainable factors, which can also be an advantage for an organization. In that case, the organizations should consider establishing specific ICT management routines in order to obtain better alignment performance scores. Since the role of ICT cannot be underestimated, more and more people want to know whether the ICT really brings values, whether the ICT substantially improved the efficiency, or whether the ICT works as expected. Based on the research, there are several more comprehensive ICT management capability maturity framework developed, such as the ICT management capability maturity framework and ICT Pe rformance Reference Model. The differences between these two frameworks or models are the focus and the content. ICT management capability maturity framework The framework is a ‘spider diagram’, which includes seven indicators: ICT Applications, Business-ICT relationship, ICT strategy alignment, ICT user profile, ICT managerial paradigm, ICT governance and ICT organization. Before applying the ICT management capability maturity framework, the users should firstly define the critical processes of their ICT management for each indicator. For each indicator, there are specific process-orientated evaluation standards, and the users should make judgments for each standard to see whether it fits to the organization’s characters, needs, and specific industry. For each applied standard, there are different dimensionalities to assess the maturity of capability. The key function of this framework is to be used as an evaluating tool and a improvement roadmaps that can point out directions for the senior management on ICT and business management in strategies planning in order to sustainably improve, develop, and manage the ICT capability in support of optimized business value delivery. From this capability maturity framework, we can clearly see the ICT management capability maturity of an organization as well as its improvement footprint. At the same time, with the use of such framework, the organization can be evaluated on its overall ICT management capability, the comparison analysis between different organizations can be conducted, and even the industrial benchmark can als o be made to see the ranking of the organization in the certain industry. ICT Performance Reference Model ICT Performance Reference Model is a model using the reference model principles in the area of ICT management. For better understanding of the meaning of reference model, here the definition of the reference model that â€Å"Reference model contains relevant structures and relationships among the model elements (process structures, levels, document structures) and also the predefined knowledge (best practice examples) already included in these structures.† is used. ICT Performance Reference Model combines the strengths of mathematical and data modeling techniques for its structure and knowledge management principles for its content; namely, it represents the best practices and knowledge in the formalized model structure, and therefore allows easier knowledge replication. The framework of ICT Performance Reference Model includes ICT Management Process, ICT Performance management Methodologies, ICT Performance Measurement Processes, ICT Performance Measures and ICT Performance m anagement Tools and Applications. The performance of ICT project is then be evaluated through these dimensions. With the implication of ICT Performance Reference Model, it would be easier to address ICT management related issues including application functionality overlap, technology and knowledge heterogeneity, and constantly changing business pressures. Conclusion From the discussion part, we can see that there are different success/failure factors relate to the Information and Communication Technology project management. Each factor cannot be left out from consideration whenever applying an ICT project, namely, the importance of each factor cannot be overestimated, or there would possibly result in an unpleasant outcome. On the other hand, it is also necessary to have the ICT project to be reviewed, or assessed the related management capability maturity periodically. With the regular evaluation, the organization will have better understanding about the current state of the implementation of ICT project, the acceptance level of related personnel, the operation results compared to expected results, and the continuing alignment with organization’s strategies. Recommendations As we all know that the management of ICT in the enterprise has been increasing in importance and nowadays it is one of the critical success factors of any type of business. In order to ensure sustainable growing of an organization, the use of ICT cannot be avoidable. After the careful research, I recommend the organization should look into every success/failure factors corresponding with the ICT project before implementation, which will largely reduce the risk of carrying out a project and ending in nothing. At the same time, with careful elaboration on each success/failure factors, the organization will have better understanding of its status quo, its strengths and weakness, which can be a great headstone for the design and implementation of the ICT project. In addition to the prior-art research, the ongoing assessment is also important for an ICT project management. In that case, the organization should choose adequate evaluation model or framework with some customized changes in order to fit into the needs of the organization. By doing the regular inspection, the organization can notice the wrong behavior in time and make certain modifications accordingly. Without such safeguard monitor mechanism, it may be too late when the organization realizes the mistakes happening. References Becker, J., Knackstedt, R., & Pà ¶ppelbuß, D. W. I. J. (2009). Developing maturity models for IT management. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 1(3), 213-222. Cumps, B., Viaene, S., Dedene, G., & Vandenbulcke, J. (2006, January). An empirical study on business/ICT alignment in European organisations. InSystem Sciences, 2006. HICSS’06. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on (Vol. 8, pp. 195a-195a). IEEE. Donnellan, B., Sheridan, C., & Curry, E. (2011). A capability maturity framework for sustainable information and communication technology. IT professional, 13(1), 33-40. Novotnà ½, O. (2009). ICT performance reference model in the context of corporate performance management systems. IDIMT-2009 System and Humans–A complex Relationship. Linz: Trauner Verlag Universitat, 13-16. Silvius, A. G. (2009, April). Business and IT Alignment: What We Know and What We Don’t Know. In Information Management and Engineering, 2009. ICIME’09. International Conference on (pp. 558-563). IEEE. Zhang, P., & Aikman, S. (2007). Attitudes in ICT acceptance and use. In Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Design and Usability (pp. 1021-1030). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

El Paraiso Hotel Resort Cebu and Its Health Benefits

Profile of the Company El Paraiso Hotel Resort Cebu is a five star hotel which offers comfortable place and quality services to make the stay of the guests a pleasurable one. It is located in Lapu-Lapu City, which is composed of several small islands and connected to mainland Cebu by two bridges, the resort is just 30 minutes away from the international airport. Being one of the most luxurious hotels in the Philippines, making the vacation of guests a memorable one is one of the main objectives of the company. Vision of the CompanyEl Paraiso Hotel and Restaurant as the number one provider of quality hotel and food services within the islands of the Philippines. Mission of the Company El Paraiso Hotel and Restaurant aims to provide quality hotel and food services through regular and continuous employment, trainings, seminars and supervisions of highly qualified, efficient and good-natured employees and through the use of state-of-the-art facilities and convenient hotel rooms, kitchens , lobbies, restaurants and other hotel places. Hotel Facilities * Infinity pool * Fitness center * Wellness center * Cinema * Souvenir shop * Clinic * 3 restaurants and 1 bar Lobby lounge * 186 rooms PROJECT HEAD * Elaine Michellica Lopez (Human Resource Manager) * Lovely Cabacoy (Assistant HR Manager) * Krystel Urbina (Assistant HR Manager) * Sharmaine Orense (Project Development Supervisor) * Christchen Del Valle (Research and Extension Coordinator) * Joan Tolentino (Assistant R&E Coordinator) * Marc Kenneth Quitalig (Assistant R&E Coordinator) BUDGET The company has allotted six hundred twenty five thousand pesos for this project. This includes four hundred seventy five thousand pesos for the wellness project and two hundred thousand pesos for the health program.Monthly expenses will be incurred for this project that is why the company will set other funds for these expenses. RESOURCE NEEDED Financial Resources The financial resources will be coming from the fund set aside solely for the corporate social responsibility programs of the company. In view of the fact that this company has been operating for many years now, it is expected that it has allotted funds for this kind of projects because in the long run, this project will benefit not just the employees but the company as well. Human ResourcesThe top management should be the first one to cooperate in this project. Their approval will be the key factor on the possibility of this project to put into action. The project coordinators should do their best to put in practice the strategies needed for the implementation of this program. They must thoroughly follow the set guidelines on how they will perform their individual duties and responsibilities. The employees benefited should also cooperate in this project. They must exert their full understanding and appreciation on the project provided for them.While the company is exerting effort on how they can improve or at least maintain their healthy lifestyle, they must be disciplined even in their respective homes. Discipline is a must in this project. ORGANIZATION TIE-UPS Different departments and agencies are going to be involved in this project. These are the Department of Tourism, Department of Health, Department of Labor and Employment, Bureau of Food and Drugs, UNILAB and Mactan Doctors’ Hospital. These departments and agencies have their own part in the realization of this program. Department of Tourism is concerned about the tourists that are going to be the customers of the hotel.Department of Health is concerned about the health of the employees providing the services for customers while Department of Labor and Employment is concerned about the overall condition of the employees in the company. The Bureau of Food and Drugs will serve as the guide of the company in the distribution of vitamins and medicines to the employees. UNILAB will be the reliable supplier of the company of the vitamins and medicine to be distributed and the Mactan Doctors’ Hospital is going to be partner of the company in medical examinations that will be done to every employee.PROGRAM PLAN I. Title of the Project This project was entitled as â€Å"Wealthness at El† because it focuses on the health and wellness of all the employees of the company. The company is concern with the health and wellness of its employees because the company believes that they provide great contributions to the success of the company just like other stakeholders. II. Location The management of El Paraiso decided to propose this Corporate Social Responsibility Program in Mactan, Cebu since Cebu is one of the main tourist spots here in the Philippines.Having an international airport in Mactan, Cebu is a great factor to the operations of the company. Employees need to face different types of people from different cultures and status in life. III. Duration As long as the company is operating and obtaining enough profit to sustain the projec t, the management believes that this program will continue to exist. If the management will approve of this project, it is expected to be established on the first quarter of the following year. Since the first project is about forming a company fitness and wellness center, it is expected to operate as long as the company is in service.With regards to the next project which is about the medical assistance and support for employees, the proponents foresees that as long as the company is generating large profit from its operations, the project will continue. According to the top management of the company, it is expected that for the next 50 years, the company will continue to operate. IV. Type of the Program The proposed project is a type of Health and Wellness Program for all the employees of El Paraiso. This is the type of program we have proposed because being with people of all raises requires enough strength and confident aura.This will only be possible if the employees facing the m are very much healthy and well disciplined in terms of physical health. Less absences and tardiness and better performance will be the benefit that the company will get from this project. In the short run, the benefit against cost cannot be easily achieved but in the long run, the company believes that the initial cost of this project will be insignificant if it will be measure against the benefit that the company and the employees will get from its employees. V. Department Involved * Department of Health the executive department of the Philippine Government responsible for ensuring access to basic public health services to all Filipinos through the provision of quality health care and the regulation of providers of health goods and services. Since once of the project proposed involves that health of the employees, it is only right to involve the Department of Health in this project. * Department of Tourism * The executive department of the Philippine government responsible for th e regulation of the Philippine tourism industry and the promotion of the Philippines as a tourist destination.The nature of the company is a hotel and resort. Different tourists around the world are going to be the customers of the company. Department of Tourism should be involved in this project because their main concerns are the tourists and tourist spots in the Philippines. * Department of Labor and Employment * the executive department of the Philippine Government mandated to formulate policies, implement programs and services, and serve as the policy-coordinating arm of the Executive Branch in the field of labor and employment.The main beneficiaries of these projects are the employees of the company. Since it is a private corporation it is the Department of Labor and Employment who has the concerned over the employees of the company. VI. Project Leader and Coordinators Project leader: Elaine Michellica Lopez (HR Manager) Coordinators:Lovely Cabacoy (Asst. HR Manager) Krystel U rbina (Asst. HR Manager) Sharmaine Orense (PD Supervisor) Christchen Del Valle (R & E Coordinator) Joan Tolentino (Asst. R&E Coordinator) Marc Kenneth Quitalig (Asst. R&E Coordinator) VII. Cooperating Agencies * Mactan Doctors’ Hospital a 151 bed tertiary infirmary fully equipped with the latest cutting edge technology for your optimum diagnostic and therapeutic treatment under the care of their elite medical and surgical specialists. In case that the clinic of our company cannot support the health requirements needed by our employees, they can visit this hospital for further examinations. They can avail discounts if they present the health cards distributed by the company. * UNILAB * the Philippines‘ largest and leading pharmaceutical and healthcare company with over 60 years experience of giving the  best value in healthcare to Filipinos.The vitamins that the company needs in this project will be directly coming from UNILAB. Since there is going to be a contact abou t the supply of vitamins, discounts will be expected from the transactions. * Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) * a regulatory agency that ensures the safety, efficacy, purity and quality of processed foods, drugs, diagnostic reagents, medical devices, cosmetics and household hazardous substances through state-of-the art technology, as well as the scientific soundness and truthfulness of product information, for the protection of public health. VIII. BeneficiariesAll the employees of El Paraiso Hotel and Restaurant Cebu Branch are going to be benefited from this program. This program is proposed for the well being of the employees working for the company because they are the assets of the company. For the company, the employees are one of the major reasons why the company is continuously operating and earning profit. It is only right that they get benefits from the company concerning their health and wellness. IX. Total Cost of the Project The estimated initial cost of the first proje ct for the wellness of the employees cost four hundred fifty thousand pesos (Php 450000. 0). For the next project which is for the health of the employees has an initial cost of around one hundred seventy five thousand pesos (Php 175000. 00). The total initial cost for the project proposed is six hundred twenty five thousand pesos (Php 625000. 00) The monthly budget for the health assistance provided for employees costs two hundred twenty thousand pesos (Php 220000. 00) X. Rationale of the Project Our company believes that our employees are the asset of the organization. We value them in the best possible way because they are of great contribution to the success of the company.To show our concern to them, we decided to have a program that will address their health issues. It is very important and an advantage of the company to have healthy people inside the organization. This program ensures that their health status is regularly monitored. The company also implements this program no t just to ensure health awareness but also to motivate the employees that will result to increasing productivity and reduces cases of absenteeism and tardiness. XI. Objectives General Objectives: * To maintain a healthy workforce who would therefore provide quality ervice to customers * To provide continuous benefits to every employee of the company * To improve the well being of every employee * To prevent and manage any form of health difficulties or disease Specific Objectives: * To provide fitness centers that would be accessible to every employee * To provide monthly check-up for every employee and supply of vitamins monthly * To give health cards to every employee wherein they can avail discounts on hospitals and medicine. XII. Description of the Project Strategies and MethodsIn order to aid the management in the execution of the said project, the following strategies were formulated: 1. Information of this project would be properly disseminated so that every employee would be informed of the benefits that they could get from the said project. 2. The company would have a partnership or coordinate with a trusted hospital to aid it on the monthly check up of the employees. 3. It would also coordinate with a drug manufacturer and buy drugs directly to it to ensure quality of the drugs and it is also a cost saving move. . The management would also keep track of the health records of the employees by providing each employee with a medical journal on which the results of their monthly check up would be written. 5. The management would establish a schedule for the monthly check up of the employees. For instance, a group of employees would be scheduled for their check up for a certain week and so forth. This is to ensure that the monthly check up would be well organized and would not be burdensome on the part of the physicians. 6.For a more effective distribution of vitamins, the employees would be given their monthly supply of vitamins during their scheduled ch eck up. 7. The management would make it clear that the fitness center is accessible to every employee and they could use it anytime as long as it is not during working hours. XIII. Financial Plans WELLNESS PROJECT Total Initial Cost of the Project| Total Cost of Gym Equipments| 269000| Installation Costs| 50000| Renovation (lighting and ventilation) of the function hall| 100000| Total initial cost of wellness program| 419000| GYM EQUIPMENTS| PRICE| QUANTITY| TOTAL COST|Treadmill| 15000| 5| 75000| Exercise bike| 10000| 5| 50000| Upper body trainer| 12000| 5| 60000| Dumb bells| 1000/pair| 20| 20000| Punching Bags| 3000| 3| 9000| Gloves and Mitts| 1000| 10| 10000| Boxing balls and swivels| 3000| 3| 9000| Table tennis table| 8000| 2| 16000| Table tennis rackets| 2000/pair| 10| 20000| Total Cost| | | 269000| HEALTH PROJECT Total Initial Cost of the Project| Renovation (lighting and ventilation) of the clinic room| 50000| Total cost of medical equipments| 78600| Cost of health cards and j ournals to be distributed among employees| 10000| Installation of medical equipments| 30000|Total Initial Costs| 168600| MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS| TOTAL COST| Wheelchairs (3 pcs)| 21000 | Hospital bed (2 pcs)| 30000| Blood pressure monitor (3 pcs)| 6600| Nebulizer (2pcs)| 9000| Weighing Scale| 4000| Gauze, tape and bandages| 3000| Latex and vinyl gloves| 3000| Thermometers| 1000| Disinfectants| 1000| Total Cost| 78600| Financial budget for every month Total Cost of Vitamins to be distributed monthly| 100000| Fund for the hospitalization of employees per month| 50000| Monthly salary of the physician and assistant nurses| 70000| Total| 220000|XIV. Functional Relationships with the Collaborating Agencies El Paraiso is proud to implement the â€Å"Wealthness at El† for ensuring the health and wellness of every employee. In line with this, our company had its partnership with different agencies that would be a great contributor for the implementation of the program. These agencies are t he Mactan Doctors’ Hospital, UNILAB, and Bureau of Food Drugs. First, we conducted our board meeting together with the head from each respective agency. Every matter concerning this program had been discussed.Then we had the contract signing thereafter. Our agreement is that they would continue supporting our program as long as it continues its operations. The monthly check-up of the employees would not be possible without the staff coming from the hospital. This includes board certified physicians in internal medicine and occupational medicine (Preventive Medicine), doctors and registered nurses who provide a variety of direct health care services and health promotion activities for the company. The vitamins and other medicines needed would be coming from the drug manufacturer.The company decided to have its partnership directly from the manufacturer to obtain quality products yet affordable, so that this program would not be that costly. XV. Monitoring and Evaluation Mechan ics In order to monitor and evaluate the performance of the said project, the management had established the following mechanics: 1. The management would provide evaluation sheets which the employees would answer with the following questions: * Are you aware of Wealthness at El? * Are you able to benefit from the said project? In what ways did it become beneficial to you? Do you have any complaints regarding the procedure and other matters about the project? What are they? * Do you have any suggestions that the management could do to respond on these complaints? * What can you recommend to the management to further improve this project? 2. The head physician would periodically report to the management and discuss the matters of the project particularly their health status. XVI. Plans for Ensuring the Sustainability of the Project In order for a business to be successful in the long run, they need to contribute to the welfare of the community, conservation of the environment and moti vation of their employees.This is what we called the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Our company was concerned with our employees because they are one of the contributors why our business continues to operate. That’s why we have proposed a project for them. We want them to obtain some other benefits on our company while contributing to the success of our business. For us to ensure the sustainability of our project, we have made several plans. Those are the ff: * During the mere operation, we will provide a separate fund or will restrict our fund for the sustainability of this project. We are going to sustain this through obtaining a contingency fund. * We will be having a deal with our collaborative agencies so that they will support our needs to sustain it. * Since our company has been operating for almost decades, we are well-known in the country. We will be having sponsors so that we didn’t need to worry that much. * In case of loss, our main branch located i n Manila is the one to help us recover so that we will continue operating. PROGRAM EVALUATION Based on the survey conducted by the company and based on the medical journals of the employees, the results showed improvement of their respective health status.This project has been implemented on every employee of the company. Schedules of check-ups were implemented so that it was certain that every employee has undergone medical examinations. The vitamins that have been distributed to the employees are effective in improving their energy towards work which resulted to better performance in terms of providing quality service to customers. In terms of the wellness program, the healthy lifestyle of the employees has been maintained. Sickness has been avoided and their confidence towards their looks and appearance has increased. t was found out that certain improvements will be needed for the betterment of the techniques and strategies needed to make this project successful. More systematic strategies should be needed for the distribution of vitamins and schedules of check-ups so that delays can be avoided. After several years of execution of this project, the company had been benefited because it is able to maintain a healthy workforce that would provide its customers quality service. The employees of the company are able to receive the benefits that these particular project aims to provide to them.Company Benefits from CSR Program Through the â€Å"Wealthness at El†, the company is able to derived the following benefits: 1) The company is able to maintain a healthy workforce who will provide quality service to the customers. 2) Its employees are more motivated because they feel that the company value them. 3) Motivated employees will result to increase in productivity and reduce cases of absenteeism and tardiness. 4) Therefore, a healthy and motivated workforce will result to the company’s improved reputation which enables them to attain higher income.